Wednesday, March 5, 2008



Empty heart
Alone. Alone
in dead zone
numb, cold.
Icicles form in place of heart
and mind.
No care taken of the body-betrayer
Pain, pain
rises up within
Seething, roiling, bubbling
Everlasting to everlasting
Racking, coursing throughout
a betraying and broken body
broken on the rocks of tempest tossed seas
lift raft gone, disappeared into the mist
Just you alone in raging seas
with broken body, broken mind
looking for release
from pain that does not cease.
Light a cigarette, drink some wine.
Yes drink deep and long of
chilled red wine.
Siren whine. Shrill empty howling
Whine, whine, whine.
Red wine for Red whine
Blinding headache whine.
Muscle whine.
Lung whine.
Belly whine.
Old decrepit
creaking-knees-on-stairs whine
Bitter, sour wine.
look for food in cupboards bare.
Nothing to sustain you there,
only ancient bones of long past feasts.
Empty words,
vacant stares
of people who pretend to care.
What does it matter if there
is one less whine.
In the dead zone by and by
we lay down our heads to sleep
the sleep of the undead
until the red wine is gone
and the red whine is finally turned off,
at last
cpoyright july 2007 susan voigt

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