Sunday, February 3, 2008

mini political rant

what i am hoping for in our new president. i want a president that will be honest and willing to share information. a president that does not opperate under a cloak of secrecy. the united states is a government of, by and for the people, i think it is past time for our elected officals to start listening to us again. i want a president that will follow the consitution and uphold the bill of rights. i want a president that does not misuse their power by evesdropping on inocent citizens, one who will follow up on reports of emmenit terrorist attacks prior the attack. i want a president who acctually works for the better good of u.s. citizens. and finally, i want a congress who will head the call for impeachment if the president overreaches for power and engages in subtrifuge and or intimidation to get what ever they think they want. the consitution does not allow the president to have the power to do just anything they have a mind to. laws must be obeyed, procedures that are already in place must be followed.think we have a candidate that might fill the bill? i don't know.

on a lighter note, the days are getting longer! spring is surely not far away now. i've been studying my seed catalogs trying to decide what i want to plant in my garden this spring. so many wonderful plants and so little yard to plant them in!

happy super bowl! GO GIANTS!

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